安卓信用保險 是全球最大的信用保險公司之一,屬於Grupo Catalana Occidente (GCO.MC) 的信用保險分支。在全球超過50個國家和地區提供信用保險、擔保和商帳追收業務。其業務範圍可保護世界各地的公司免受在信用交易過程中所產生的支付風險。2023年,安卓年營業收入達到25億歐元,獲貝氏評級「A」前景穩定和穆迪評級「A1」前景穩定。

Internship Objective:
The objective is to allow students to gain meaningful working experience in Atradius. Interns will be exposed to the daily operation of Risk underwriting and given on-the-job training in analyzing different corporations in North Asia (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea) and Guangdong. By the end of the internship they should understand how credit insurance works, how Risk Underwriting is performed on SME as well as Large listed Corporations. The analysis will be on companies in different trade sectors and in different North Asian countries.
Responsibilities of Intern:
- Analyze credit risk of listed corporations, large enterprises and SMEs in a number of Asian countries
- Responsible to set appropriate strategies on companies and to underwrite credit limit decisions.
- Assist in researching economic developments and propose credit rating strategies for the responsible markets
- Assist in researching on various trade sectors and industry developments.
- Provide ad-hoc support to Credit Risk Analyst.
- 分析亞洲多個國家上市公司、大型企業和中小企業的信用風險
- 負責制定適當的公司策略並決定信用風險核保額度
- 協助分析經濟發展並為負責市場提出信用評級策略
- 協助蒐集和分析各相關產業領域及企業發展
- 為風險分析員提供臨時支援