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法律與會計類( 90648824 )


Welcome to our company, a leading force in the realm of Intellectual
Property established in 2021. Specializing in a comprehensive range of
services including trademark strategy development, application filing,
dispute resolution, customs issues, and anti-counterfeiting
enforcement, we have emerged as a trusted partner for businesses
seeking to safeguard their intellectual property rights.

In just three years since our inception, we have achieved remarkable
growth, catapulting into the top 10 trademark agencies in the region.
Our success is a testament to our dedication, expertise, and
unwavering commitment to client satisfaction.

Our clientele predominantly consists of major multinational
corporations such as Disney Park, Apple, Reckitt Benckiser, and
numerous others. Leveraging our extensive expertise, these esteemed
clients have entrusted us with a diverse range of Intellectual
Property matters in Taiwan, leading to numerous significant cases and
achievements. Their confidence in our capabilities is a testament to
our track record of consistently delivering results and safeguarding
their invaluable trademarks with precision and unwavering diligence.

For those aspiring to engage with international clients and seeking to
connect with international clients, we extend a warm invitation to
become part of our team. Together, let's navigate the finesse and
professionalism of Intellectual Property and drive further success on
a global scale.


  • 員工人數:5
  • 資本額:200 萬
  • 公司負責人:趙燕芳
  • 公司網址(網站):
  • 公司地址:台北市松山區八德路三段2號6F
  • 聯絡信箱:chaoToro22@gmail.com
  • 連絡電話:0981931918
  • 公司傳真:


博觀智權有限公司 | 法律與會計類
台北市 | 依勞基法規定


  1. 文書處理、建檔、翻譯、郵件及文件
  2. 其他主管交辦事宜

工作待遇 月薪32,000~36,000元


上班時段   日班,9:30-6:30

休假制度  週休二日

學歷要求  大學

科系要求  不限

語文條件  英文 -- 聽 /中等、說 /中等、讀 /精通、寫 /精通

擅長工具  ExcelWord英文打字75~100





TOEIC (多益測驗)


1. 英文讀寫流利

博觀智權有限公司 | 法律與會計類
台北市 | 月薪3萬5千元以上(依求職者條件面議)


We were established in 2021 with a clear focus on managing intellectual property rights for foreign companies in Taiwan, particularly trademarks and copyrights. By 2023, we proudly emerged among the top 10 trademark agency. Join our small yet brilliant team and embark on a journey filled with captivating challenges and rewarding experiences!


  • 學士學位 (法律學位尤佳)
  • 英文讀寫流利
  • 學習意願及能力強
  • 細心、耐心
  • 責任心強,能掌控工作進度作
  • 分析能力及邏輯強
  • 基本電腦技能work等


  • Bachelor degree from universities (Law Degree is a plus)
  • Excellent for reading and writing in English is essential
  • Quick learning
  • Service-minded, organized and able to manage and meet deadlines
  • Positive mentality with a "can do" attitude
  • Skills in analysis, communication are all great assets in this field
  • Basic computer skill



  • 提供商標/著作權保護策略
  • 處理商標/著作權行政程序,包括檢索、申請、續展、轉讓、授權等
  • 海關備案
  • 處理商標爭議,包括異議、無效、撤銷等
  • 提供關于商標/著作權/公平交易法相關法律諮詢及分析
  • 商標/著作權侵權案件,包括協調調查員、證據或資料搜集
  • 其他主管安排事宜,例如為客戶提供培訓


  • Develop trademark protection strategy
  • Trademark prosecution matters, including conduct trademark searches, file trademark applications, trademark renewal, assignment, license recordation
  • Custom recordation
  • Conflict matters, such as opposition, invalidation, revocation, etc.
  • Providing legal counseling and analysis on trademark/copyright/fair trade law related matters
  • Trademark/copyright infringement cases, including coordination of investigators, evidence or data collection
  • Other matters that are assigned by the manager, such as deliver training to clients




  • 月薪3萬5千元以上(依求職者條件面議)
  • 每年發給中秋節、端午節及春節獎金。中秋節、端午節奖金之金額由甲方自行訂定,春節獎金為一個月,工作表現優異者另有獎金一到五個月獎金
  • 不需作業務,工作時間8小時
  • 其他依勞基法規定